Summary of Groups

Archaeology  2nd Thurs 2.00 pm    On Zoom

Art & Craft 2nd Tues 10.00 am - 1.00pm  The HIve / Market Place

Beeline Travel Group A & B  In abeyance until Spring 2025

Bridge   Every Weds 1.15pm  Ss Andrew and George URC

Cinema Group  4th Thurs Light Cinema, Bolton

Chair based exercise  Every Mon  Harwood Methodist Church (old building)

Classical Civilisation (Greece and Rome)   2nd Thurs 10.30 am  The Hub, Bolton

Coffee & Chat Bolton  1st & 3rd Tues 10.30 am  Olympus Restaurant, Bolton

Coffee & Chat Egerton  2nd Tues 10.30 am  Globe Café, Egerton, BL7 9SN

Coffee and Chat Harwood    1st Thurs 10.30 am   Longsight Church Cafe

Coffee and Chat Heaton  1st Tues 10.30  Coffee Shop at Heaton, BL1 5LW

Crown Green Bowling    Every Mon 2pm April - Sept  Bradshaw Bowling Club

Cryptic Crosswords 1   1st and 3rd Fri 2pm   Waterstones cafe, 32-36 Deansgate, Bolton BL1 1BL

Cryptic Crosswords 2   1st and 3rd Tues 2.00pm  Waterstones cafe, 32-36 Deansgate, Bolton BL1 1BL

Digital Photography   1st and 3rd Fri 10.30 am     Various locations

Dining Group    2nd Thurs   Announces monthly

Family History  2nd Tues 2.00pm - 4.00pm    Bolton Central Library, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton BL1 1SE

History    3rd Thurs 10.30 am   The Hub, Bolton

International Studies     1st Mon 2pm    The Hub, Bolton

Language and Communication    4th Fri 10.30    The Hub, Bolton

Maths    3rd Fri 1.30pm   The Hub, Bolton

Mindfulness     Alternate Mondays (check newsletter)    On Zoom

Music Appreciation   2nd Mon 10.30 am   The Hub, Bolton

Nordic Walking   contact groups coordinator to confirm

Patchwork & Quilting    First Thursdays   Bank Top URC

Philosophy    4th Tues 2pm   The Hub, Bolton

Poetry for pleasure    3rd Thurs 2.00pm - 3.30pm   The Hub, Bolton

Psychology    1st Tues 2pm   The Hub, Bolton

Quiz 1    2nd Fri 1.30pm    The Hub, Bolton

Quiz 2: Clueless of Claremont   Last or 3rd Weds of month check with leader   Claremont Church, St George's Road, Bolton

Reading    3rd Thurs 10.30 am   On Zoom

Rummikub & Scrabble   3rd Mon 10.30 am   The Hub, Bolton

Singing for Pleasure   1st & 3rd Fri 10.30 am   Claremont Church, St George's Road, Bolton

Table Tennis   2nd & 4th Friday 10.30 am    The Triangle, Doffcocker

Topical Science  3rd Mon 2pm    The Hub, Bolton